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  5. Email Settings

Email Settings

Tessera includes a sophisticated email builder tool with configurable fields and replacement tokens.

SMTP Settings

  • Host
  • Port
  • User
  • Password

Account Email Settings

  • BCC
  • From Name
  • From Email
  • Global Email Header
  • Global Email Footer

Order Email

  • Orders – BCC Emails
  • Orders – From Email
  • Orders – From Name
  • Orders – Subject
  • Orders – Merch Subject
  • Orders – Header
  • Orders – Footer
  • Orders – Opening Message
  • Orders – Closing Message
  • Orders – Order Summary
  • Orders – Location
  • Orders – Item (repeats)
  • Order Item Show
  • Order Item Merch

Refund Email

  • Refund – BCC Emails
  • Refund – From Email
  • Refund – From Name
  • Refund – Subject
  • Refund – Coupon Additional Instructions
  • Refund – Check Additional Instructions
  • Refund – Header
  • Refund – Body
  • Refund – Footer
  • Refund – Item (repeats)
  • Refund Item Show
  • Refund Item Merch


{{frontend_url}} - The url for the frontend wordpress website.

{{backend_url}} - The url for the backend ticket website.

{{current_year}} - The current year.

{{first_name}} - The billing address first name.

{{last_name}} - The billing address last name.

{{billing_address}} - The full billing address, if it exists.

{{shipping_address}} - The full shipping name and address, if it exists.

{{order_items}} - Outputs the purchased products using the HTML defined in 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_show}} - Outputs the show details using the HTML defined in 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_merch}} - Outputs the merch details using the HTML defined in 'Order Item Merch HTML'.

{{order_item_merch_category}} - The category of the merchandise. Only used within 'Order Item Merch HTML'.

{{order_item_sku_name}} - The name of the SKU (e.g., 'General Admission' for shows). Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_product_name}} - The name of the product. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_headliners}} - The names of headliners comma separated. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_supporting_acts}} - The names of supporting acts comma separated. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_venue_name}} - The name of the product's venue. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_venue_address1}} - The address1 of the product's venue. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_venue_address2}} - The address2 of the product's venue. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_venue_phone}} - The phone of the product's venue. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_venue_image_url}} - The image url of the product's venue. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_venue_map_image_url}} - The map image url of the product's venue. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_will_call_name}} - The will call name for the show. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_show_date}} - The date of the show. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_show_time_24h}} - The time of the show in HH:MM (24 hour/military) format. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_show_date_ansi}} - The date of the show in YYYY-MM-DD format. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_show_date_universal}} - The date of the show in dddd, MMMM dd format. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_show_date_day_name}} - The date of the show in dddd format. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_show_date_month_day}} - The date of the show in MMMM dd format. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_show_time}} - The time of the show. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_image_url}} - The URL of the product's image. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_doors_time}} - The time doors open for the show. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_ages}} - The ages allowed for the show. Only applies to shows. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_price}} - The price of the item, excluding fees. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_fee}} - The fee of the item. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_shipping}} - The shipping of the item. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_tax}} - The tax of the item. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_quantity}} - The quantity purchased. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_frontend_id}} - The unique front-end ID for the product. Only used within 'Order Item HTML'.

{{order_item_seats}} - The display of the seat selection. Only added for seated shows and includes label, e.g. <div>Selected Seats: A-1, B-1</div>. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_item_barcodes}} - The display of the barcodes. Only added for shows that track inventory on instances with barcodes enabled. Only used within 'Order Item Show HTML'.

{{order_discount}} - The value of the coupon that was applied to the order.

{{order_subtotal}} - The subtotal of the order (total price excluding fees, shipping, tax).

{{order_service_fees}} - The total fees for the order.

{{order_shipping}} - The total shipping for the order.

{{order_tax}} - The total tax for the order.

{{order_total}} - The total price of the order.

{{order_product_summary}} - A short summary of the order. E.g., 'Product Name, and more.'

{{order_confirmation_no}} - The order confirmation number.

{{order_additional_information}} - The contents of the additional information field if set.

{{refund_items}} - Outputs the refunded products using the HTML defined in 'Refund Item HTML'. May also include OrderItem replacements.

{{refund_item_show}} - Outputs the show details using the HTML defined in 'Refund Item Show HTML'.

{{refund_item_merch}} - Outputs the merch details using the HTML defined in 'Refund Item Merch HTML'.

{{refund_item_quantity}} - The quantity of product refunded. Only used within 'Refund Item HTML'.

{{refund_item_amount}} - The amount refunded for the item. Only used within 'Refund Item HTML'.

{{refund_item_note}} - The note associated with the item. E.g. refunded seat IDs. Includes HTML markup. Only used within 'Refund Item HTML'.

{{refund_method}} - The method (credit card, cash, coupon) used for refunding the order.

{{refund_instructions}} - Additional instructions to assist the customer in getting their refund.

{{refund_total}} - The total refunded in the order.

{{refund_tax}} - The amount of tax refunded in the order, excluding fees.

{{refund_subtotal}} - The amount refunded in the order, excluding fees.

{{refund_discount}} - The amount saved in the original order from a coupon.

{{refund_service_fees}} - The total fees refunded in the order.

{{refund_shipping}} - The amount of shipping refunded in the order.

{{refund_code}} - The code for the customer to use on their next order.

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